Research Reports, Projects & Papers

 Friends of Virgin Islands National Park funds and supports a number of research projects in the park ranging from natural resource subjects to the economics of sustaining a growing visitor population. In addition, a number of papers related to the history and natural resources on the island can be found here.

VINP service

Resource Reports

A number of reports related to visitation, economics, demographics and more have been commissioned over the years.  

Doris Jadan guide to the N A T U R A L H I S T O R Y OF ST.JOHN

Natural Resource History

Current and historical papers and documents related to St. John's natural resources. 

tektite women divers

Tektite Archive Material

An interesting collection of materials exploring the science, technology and psychology programs that were the Tektite programs.


Bird Research

Research examining the impact of the 2017 hurricanes on the bird population in the park including trees and shrubs that function as a habitat for birds. 


Bat Research

Bat recovery research post 2017 hurricanes and developing bioacoustic classifiers to identify local bat species.