The engagement and support of the business community on St. John is key to our ability to protect and preserve our Park today and tomorrow. We would not be able to do the work that keeps Virgin Islands National Park thriving for visitors and residents alike without the generous support of this community. Many of our programs and events offer businesses the opportunity to get involved. In turn, we do our best to promote the support of our business donors.
Please contact Jennifer Stone at [email protected] or (340) 779-4940 to get involved.

Become An Affinity Partner
Affinity Partners are our business partners on-the-ground. These businesses offer discounts to Friends members, donate a percentage of their sales to the Friends, or have other fundraising strategies built into their business model that support the Park!

Events like the Beach-to-Beach Power Swim and Earth Day are great sponsor opportunities that gain businesses positive brand recognition on St. John.

Goods & Services Donations
Important fundraising and outreach activity like our Annual Gala and our membership drives depend on the generous donation of goods and services for auction or raffle items!

Donate A Stay To Villas For The Park
The Villas For The Park online auction depends on the generous donations of accommodations. Highly promoted it is an opportunity for owners/managers to raise the profile of their villa and help fund programs that support the Park.