Friends September Newsletter

Do you know what clues a mother sea turtle leaves behind when coming ashore to lay her eggs? Our Sea Turtle Nest Monitoring and Protection volunteers do! They receive training ahead of their beach assignments to learn what signs to look for as they patrol our shorelines during nesting season. Currently, a total of 12 nests have been identified for protection this season, 4 of which have already hatched! 

We are proud to be helping advance the protection of these and other critically endangered species right here in our own backyard. It is a privilege and responsibility we take to heart. Similar to the nesting season for our sea turtles, there is a peak season for activities in support of the Park that are hosted by the Friends. We are currently in the midst of planning resource allocation and programming for 2023/24 with the Park team under the leadership of Penelope Del Bene who has begun a 120-day assignment as acting superintendent of Virgin Islands National Park and Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument. 

September’s newsletter highlights our School Kids in The Park program, and ways for you to enjoy your Park and give back. For example, you can register today to Paddle the Park at Maho Bay on Veterans Day weekend or donate a stay to become a Villa for the Park. 

Read the full newsletter here.


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