Friends of the Park Gala Set for Next Weekend

by Banen Chaney Montchyk | News of St John |

The Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park Annual Gala is one of my favorite events of the year and the 2024 edition is sure to be one that you will never forget. 

On Saturday, February 3rd, make the voyage over to Lovango Resort & Beach Club on beautiful Lovango Cay with 200 of your closest friends for an evening of delicious food, delightful cocktails, fine wines, and more live music and entertainment than can be contained in a single venue. 

“We are thrilled to have the Sniders host this year’s event for us at their resort on Lovango! We always aim to create an unforgettable night that people will cherish along with their sentiments for the Park we all love and I know this will be one of those really special nights,” Executive Director Tonia Lovejoy said. “Through the years the Friends has been lucky to have the gala hosted by some incredible supporters – like David and Rhonda McCay who generously welcomed us – and our entourage of 200 gala guests – into their home in Peter Bay the past few years. We could not do this event without the help of so many, and this year is a real testament to the level of excellence we strive to meet in all that we do.” 

Entertainment at the event will be provided by Moko Jumbies, Love City Pan Dragons, Mermaid Swim VI, Island Fire Gina, and RVP Band.

The Gala raises funds to support Friends programs like Sea Turtle Protection, Plant Propagation, Trails Management, Learn To Swim free classes, and School Kids In The Park. 

“We try to have lots of ways for people to give back to their Park on St. John all year long, whether it is donating time or money,” Lovejoy said. “There is nothing like feeling connected to your cause, and anyone who visits Virgin Islands National Park knows that feeling of appreciation – it is truly a gem in all the world, and certainly worth giving back to protect and preserve.” 

Not on island? There are still plenty of ways to join in and support the Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park. 

“The gala does have some fun virtual opportunities for folks to participate such as our super popular raffle,” Lovejoy said. “Anyone can win, near or far! We also showcase the silent auction online ahead of the event, which gives folks a chance to bid even if they cannot attend the gala. Best way to get involved from afar is through our website.”

To purchase tickets to attend the Gala, purchase raffle tickets, or to bid online, please visit  can visit


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