Friends July Newsletter

We are having so much fun with kids in the Park this summer! There is something blessed in seeing the joy on the face of a child being taught how to drum by Mr. Eddie Bruce or how to blow a conch shell by Mr. Ital Anthony.

At Friends of Virgin Islands National Park, we believe that the future of conservation lies in our youth and instilling an appreciation and passion for nature and history in them is essential. As writer and educator, Neil Postman said, “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.”

Our vision is to create a pipeline of environmental education experiences for youth from preschool to college, and beyond! Together with the help of supporters like you, we offer a robust summer program as well as classroom sessions, swimming lessons, field trips, internships, scholarships, and employment opportunities to Virgin Island youth throughout the year.

Virgin Islands National Park is such a beautiful gift! I hope that the joy of discovery and fun is as a much a part of your summer as it is ours!

Read the newsletter here.

