Friends January Newsletter

The dawn of a new year is an opportunity to reaffirm our faith in our perfectly imperfect world and recommit to doing what we can to nurture and protect it. As the novelist, poet and activist, Alice Walker so eloquently writes: “Life is abundant, and life is beautiful. And it’s a good place that we’re all in, you know, on this earth, if we take care of it.” 

Here on island, we take stock of a turtle season that has already seen over two thousand hatchlings make it to the sea. In addition, thanks to record amounts of rain, a busy trails maintenance schedule with our team working hard alongside volunteers to clear our beautiful trails is underway. We are continually working with the park to examine visitation impacts and in line with that focus, we have launched a pilot shuttle program–Easy Beach–in an effort to address parking issues at North Shore beaches. 

As an organization we are either getting the work done or raising the funds to get the work done. Please join us for our Annual Meeting on January 25 for a review of the work we accomplished in the past year, and for our Annual Gala on February 1 when we have fun and party with purpose.

All of us at Friends of Virgin Islands National Park wish you a joyous 2025 full of moments of awe and look forward to seeing you on St. John soon.

Read the newsletter here.

