Friends January Newsletter

Native to the Caribbean, the Seagrape tree (Coccoloba uvifera) with it’s beautiful red veined leaves (pictured above) can be found on most of our beaches. Beyond having root systems that help with erosion, each seagrape plant has blossoms that bees love, late summer fruit devoured by birds, and wonderful shade for beach visitors. In the past three years, over 800 trees and plants including seagrape have been cultivated and planted on North Shore beaches to replenish vegetation, help address erosion, and build new ecosystems.

It seems fitting as we kick off a new year to appreciate the multiple possibilities created by each new opportunity. Like the ecosystem of the seagrape, so much potential stems from a child’s first lesson about sea turtles, an adult learning to swim, or the seeding of a protected species like Solanum conocarpum in the Friends nursery. Thank you for the gift of possibilities provided by your support.

Please join us for our Annual Meeting on January 27 for an update on our work and an open conversation about the Park. In addition, we invite you to kick off your shoes, put your toes in the sand, and enjoy a night full of laughter, dancing, inspiration and impact at our Annual Gala. Join us for a wonderful celebration and fundraiser on Saturday, February 3, 2024! If you can’t attend, please join in the fun and participate in the online auction and raffle in support of the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural resources in your park.

We wish you a joyful 2024 full of possibilities!

Read the newsletter here.


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