Friends February Newsletter

The Friends February newsletter thanks our supporters for making a difference! Friends of Virgin Islands National Park is honored to have the opportunity to help protect and preserve our beautiful Virgin Islands National Park together with your support. Please watch the short video from us to you – and know that your membership, your donations, and your time matters!

In his presentation at our recent Annual Meeting, Dr. David Hall, President of University of the Virgin Islands talked of the importance of education, preservation, and social justice. “You can’t preserve without educating,” he said. “We must save trees and people.” I highly recommend you watch the meeting video, it was quite inspiring!

At the core of the Friends mission to protect and preserve is education. It is the thread that unites us to each other, the past and the future. This month as we recognize Black History, our annual Culture Day celebration for schools is coming to life. You may also join a Park Ranger guided commemorative hike to explore events of the 1733 African Revolution on Ram Head. 

Everything we do is made possible by your participation in our fundraising events. Our recent successful Annual Gala and the Beach-Beach Power Swim in May (registration open!) are just two of many examples. 

Read the newsletter here –


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