Cinnamon Bay Campground FAQ
National Park Service / U.S. Department of the Interior / Virgin Islands National Park Response to Frequently Asked Questions (May 19, 2021)
Is Cinnamon Bay Campground open?
Cinnamon Bay Campground is currently not open. As construction work to repair and rebuild the infrastructure from hurricane damage that occurred throughout the campground continues, it remains closed to overnight guests.
Is Cinnamon Bay Beach open?
Cinnamon Bay Beach remains open and accessible to the public. However, due to Territorial COVID-19 restrictions, at this time, all beaches in the Territory close at 5:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Currently only porta-johns are available to beach goers until the water and sewage systems are repaired by NPS.
Why is it taking so long to reopen Cinnamon Bay?
The Campground received significant property damage as a result of hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017. The property had to be cleared of downed trees, assessed, and suitable plans developed to rebuild in an area that is culturally sensitive with artifacts. Labor- intensive archaeology work has been necessary to clear areas for the reconstructed cottages. Additionally, there were delays in replacing water and sewer lines when their condition was fully assessed. Damage to the eco-tent frames has been repaired and the new eco-tent coverings will be replaced on the eco-tent frames prior to the reopening.
When will Cinnamon Bay Campground reopen?
Cinnamon Bay Campground is scheduled to reopen and return to full service in December 2021, barring any unforeseen circumstances. A new website at is currently being developed and will become available in the coming weeks. For routine updates, continue to follow their Facebook page at Information can also be found on the park’s website at
When can I make reservations for the 2021/2022 visitor season?
The reservation system is anticipated to go live in summer of 2021. You can find details at
Is there a maximum amount of days that I can stay at Cinnamon?
Yes. The park’s Superintendent’s Compendium allows for a maximum of 14 consecutive nights within any three month period, and 30 nights maximum per calendar year. T
Will there still be cottages, tents and bare campsites available when the campground reopens?
Yes. The campground will offer 40 cottage units, 55 eco-tent sites, and 31 bare sites, with varying price points. The cottages will all be newly constructed units. The eco-tents will be new, as well.
What type of eco-tents will Cinnamon Bay Campground have when they reopen?
The campground will use the new style eco-tents that were introduced in 2016. The eco-tents will have a lamp, fan, electrical outlet, a table and 2 chairs. With the addition of new bunk rooms in some units, some tents will be able to sleep up to four people.
Will the prices be the same as before the hurricanes in 2017?
Bare site platforms will start at $45/night, the same as they were in 2017. Eco-tents and the new cottages will have an increase in rates as allowed by NPS due to the additional costs to rebuild the facilities and increased operating expenses. Rates for the cottages and eco-tents will be posted when reservations open.
Will I be able to reserve a specific cottage, tent site, bare campsite or location, when the campground reopens?
No. The type of facility may be reserved, but specific sites cannot be. You may request a site or area and Cinnamon Bay Campground will attempt to meet your request.
Will the new cottages have individual bathrooms?
No. The campground will continue to offer four communal bath houses as well as an additional Barrier Free/ADA accessible full-service restroom and shower in the main building.
What is being offered with a bare site? And will all of them be located in the same area?
The bare sites will consist of a picnic table and wooden platform where campers can set up their own tents. Campers have an option to rent other amenities from the campground, i.e. coolers, cooking utensils, camping stoves, etc., if needed. The 31 bare sites are located throughout the campground in different locations. All the higher elevation sites that were previously bare campsites remain as they were.
Have the trails leading to camp sites been improved?
Yes. The main trails leading to most of the eco-tents and bare sites have been repaired and compacted. The erosion issues have been addressed and most trip hazards created from large tree roots have been eliminated. There are however, a few remaining unimproved backcountry-type trails leading to the higher elevation bare campsites.
Will the campground facilities be Barrier Free/ADA accessible?
Yes, significant improvements have been made for accessibility. The campground will provide barrier free/ADA accessible parking, cottage units, eco-tents, bath houses, and access to the restaurant and main building.
Are there any new features at Cinnamon Bay Campground that campers can expect?
Yes. As a starter, there will be coin-operated washers and dryers available for overnight guest use. Every eco- tent site will have a rain fly and new furniture in each of the cottage units.
Will watersports equipment and chairs still be available for rent?
Yes. The watersports rental equipment will consist of beach chairs, snorkel gear, kayaks and stand-up paddleboards (SUP).
What is the best way to contact the Campground before it reopens?
Currently, the best way to contact Cinnamon Bay Campground is via email at: [email protected]