Virgin Islands National Park Seeks Youths for Summer Conservation Corps Jobs
Virgin Islands National Park Service – Virgin Islands Source
May 10, 2024

The beauty of Maho Bay in the Virgin Islands National Park continues to attract visitors. (Source photo by Amy H. Roberts)
Virgin Islands National Park Service is looking for great young people to join the National Park Service crew this summer. If someone is a resident of St. John or St. Thomas, between the ages of 15 and 18, and interested in summer employment with the Youth Conservation Corps at Virgin Islands National Park, please download the Youth Conservation Corps Application Form ( or pick up an application form at the park’s Visitor Center in Cruz Bay, St. John.
The dates of this summer’s program are June 10-July 26. The crew will work 32 hours a week for $15/hour. Applications are due by May 22, and they should be emailed to Janice Williams at [email protected] or mailed to the Cruz Bay Visitor Center at 1300 Cruz Bay Creek, St. John, VI 00830. If there are any questions, please email [email protected]