Power Swim Race Info
Each year we host Joe Kessler's Beach-to-Beach Power Swim to help raise funds for programs like kids swim lessons, turtle protection, marine conservation and education outreach! Let’s have some fun for a great cause!
Youth (17 & under): $30
Youth Relay: $90
Adult (18 & over): $65
Adult Relay: $195
This non-refundable fee will become a donation to Friends of Virgin Islands National Park, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and may be tax-deductible in the unlikely event that the swim is cancelled.
PLEASE NOTE: Registration opens on February 1. Space is limited and registration will close on May 21 or when capacity has been reached.
Sunday, MAY 4 - Practice Swim: 8:00am Maho to Cinnamon
Wednesday MAY 21, 3pm - Registration deadline.
Saturday, MAY 24 - Pre-Race Meeting: Details of this meeting to come. Swimmers will receive important information about race safety, registration, and heat time in this 45-minute presentation.
Sunday, MAY 25 - Race Day: All swimmers, including all members of each relay team, must be checked in at the recorder’s table at Maho Beach and marked with race numbers. A short briefing will also be held on the beach. The race will begin at on Maho Beach at the dinghy channel.
REGISTRATION: Check in is 7-7:30am.
RACE START: 8:00am. Distance starts will be staggered.
- DISTANCE ONE: Maho to Hawksnest. Individuals and relay team starters.
- DISTANCE TWO: Maho to Trunk.
- DISTANCE THREE: Maho to Cinnamon.
After the Race : There will be an after swim reception and awards ceremony. Details to come.
All swimmers need to read this entire section please! Please pay particular attention to the course map and other course information.
The Beach-to-Beach Power Swim will be swum as four events:
- Short Course for solo swimmers only from Maho Beach to Cinnamon Beach (1 mile)
- Intermediate Course for solo swimmers only from Maho Beach to Trunk Beach (2.25 miles)
- Long Course for solo swimmers from Maho Beach to Hawksnest Beach (3.5 miles)
- Long Course for 3-person relay teams from Maho Beach to Hawksnest Beach (3.5 miles). The relay team transition points will be at Cinnamon Beach and Trunk Beach.
In each of the events, swimmers may compete using snorkels, fins, and/or exposure suits in a separate category of “assisted” swimmers. If any member of a relay team is “assisted” the entire team is considered “assisted”. Please note: Per the Marathon Swimmers Federation the following is viewed as standard equipment:
- One swimsuit made of porous, textile material. For males, the suit must not extend below the knee or above the waist. For females it must not extend below the knee, onto the neck, or beyond the shoulder.
- One bathing cap made of latex or silicone.
- Goggles, earplugs, and noseclips.
- Sunscreen and grease.
- Simple timekeeping device (chronometer).
Anything else is considered 'assisted'. Swim paddles and/or webbed swim gloves are not permitted in the Beach to Beach Power Swim.
This is an open water swim course. Each entrant is responsible for his or her own safety and knowledge of the course. The course presents several navigational challenges so it is vital that competitors review the course description carefully as well as study the map of the course. Although the course is marked, it is the responsibility of every swimmer to know the course. Please review the course description and maps prior to race day.
All swimmers must wear the provided swim cap and they may use either goggles or a mask. Bags will be provided for personal gear, which will be transported, to Cinnamon, Trunk or Hawksnest beaches as necessary.
Leg 2 and Leg 3 relay swimmers will be transported to Cinnamon and Trunk Beaches respectively; and finishers of the Short Course, Intermediate Course, Leg 1 of the Relay and Leg 2 of the Relay will be transported to Hawksnest Beach.
Slower swimmers should place themselves at the rear of the pack at the start. Please be considerate of other swimmers, especially at the start and around the first buoy.
Buoys will be placed specifically for this event. These are: 30" orange triangular buoys, 48" orange can buoys, and larger 5' orange yacht racing buoys to demarcate the course. Swimmers should disregard the USCG or NPS permanent buoys (white cylindrical boat exclusion buoys, white or blue boat mooring buoys, etc). Swimmers should note that these buoys are hard and their up-lines are likely to have barnacles and other marine growth that can cause abrasions or other injuries and swimmers should avoid contact with them.
Wherever there is a single orange buoy (of any size), this navigation aid must be kept to the swimmers left side. Wherever two orange buoys (of any size) are in close proximity, they should be considered a gate and swimmers must swim between them and then turn to the right.
Paddlers on kayaks and stand-up paddle boards (SUPs) will accompany swimmers to provide floatation devices and other assistance to swimmers in distress. Safety support boats, with St. John Rescue personnel, and Park Service patrol boats will back up the paddlers to provide emergency assistance if necessary. If you need assistance, remove your swim cap and wave it in the air to catch the attention of the nearest paddler. If you can, proceed towards the paddler; otherwise wait for the paddler to come to you. Note that once you hold on to a kayak, SUP, buoy or safety boat, you are out of competition. The paddler will provide the distressed swimmer with a floatation device and will signal the support boat to come and pick up the swimmer.
Paddlers may also provide navigational assistance at any potentially confusing or hazardous point and will attempt to control nearby boat traffic crossing the course. However, swimmers should be aware of their surroundings and any motorized or sailboat traffic around them at all times.
Water / aid stations (small boats staffed with volunteers) will be stationed just past the gates at Cinnamon Bay and Trunk Bay respectively. Water bottles will be tossed to swimmers requesting them. Do not touch or hang onto the boat and please toss the bottle (and the cap) back in the boat. Do not touch or hold on to the water station boats.
The finish line for the short course and the intermediate course will be on the beach at Cinnamon Beach and Trunk Beach respectively. Swimmers will exit the water in the finishing chute and cross the finish line under the bright yellow banner on shore. Remember: your race and time end when you exit the water and cross the finish line, not when you stop swimming.
The transition points for the relay swimmers will be on the beach at Cinnamon Bay (Leg 1 / Leg 2) and Trunk Bay (Leg 2 / Leg 3) respectively. Incoming relay swimmers should exit the water in the finishing chute and proceed to the relay tagging area, where the next relay swimmer will be stationed and an exchange (tag their next swimmer) will be made.
The finish line for the long course will be on the beach at Hawksnest Beach. Please note that the finish line is a bright yellow banner about midway along the entire length of the beach and NOT at the far left hand side of the beach, i.e. not at Oppenheimer. Exit the water between the orange flags and into the finishing chute and cross the finish line. Remember: your race and time end when you exit the water and cross the finish line, not when you stop swimming.
There is a three-hour limit on the race. Any swimmers who have not entered Hawksnest Bay at that time may be asked to board a support boat at that time.
Stay safe and have fun!
Please ensure you familiarize yourself with the course map and watch the narrated course video below. In addition, navigation and course detail for the swim from Maho to Hawknest has been kindly provided by Jeff Miller.