Navigation and course detail for the Beach To Beach Power Swim from Maho to Hawknest kindly provided by Jeff Miller.
Please watch the video on the Race Info page for additional information on the course.

1.Start to First Turn

2. First Gate, Right hand turn.

3. Short course finish. This is a bit "cartoonish" as the real finish is not quite this large or exaggerated. But it gives you the perspective of being in water approaching Cinnamon Cay gate (right hand turn).

4. Long View to Windswept. This is the one of the most important features you can find. If you can..... stop by the beach at Cinnamon on Saturday when you get in and take a look from the beach just east of the ruin of the archeology building on the shore. THIS MARK WORKS VERY WELL if you know it, see it and navigate to it.

5. Around Windswept. this is just a further out in the course view of that notch. Again, the real buoys are smaller than this. In the picture, the triangular buoys I put there are a little too far "out" from shore. TRUST THE NOTCH as a navigational point to swim to.

6. Into Trunk. Again, a little exaggerated but you see what it looks like. Race flags, buoys and banners are smaller in real life.

7. Long view to Perkins - this is another critcal mark to see and follow. It works very well to define a straight line.

8. Rounding Perkins. See the conical cone that is on line in the background. This mark works well.

9. Entering Hawksnest. Just remember not to go across this bay, but head 'into' the bay, like you are going to Oppenheimer Beach. The video shows this well.

10. Hawksnest. Showing the final gate, right hand turn, then the last leg to the finish

11. Finish.