Friends March Newsletter

In our March newsletter we publish our 2022 Impact Report and consider everything we collectively achieved! It is clear that in the face of challenges ranging from environmental shifts and disease to visitation impacts and NPS resources constraints, there are spots of hope, as Dr. Sylvia Earle would say. Spots of hope where coordinated efforts sprung from a community’s desire to see their resources protected result in positive change. Our supporters and team make St. John one of those spots and for that we are grateful. 

Inherent in protecting and preserving the park is the thought that we do it for future generations. This past month the some 400 children who are schooled on St. John attended Culture Days to learn about the rich history and heritage on the island. We also saw community members of all ages working on the mosaic walls in the Cruz Bay playground as we get ready to open it up for play.

Read the newsletter here —


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