Trail Crew Volunteer Opportunity
Spend a Tuesday or Thursday with us volunteering in Virgin Islands National Park!
Friends of Virgin Islands National Park maintains the 27 miles of park trails and helps uncover, restore, maintain, and interpret historic sites. The trail crew clears and cleans trails for hikers, and ensures that erosion and other issues are addressed. It is a great opportunity to explore new parts of St. John and help protect and preserve the Park! Join us!
Meeting points and work locations are posted on Facebook and instagram on Mondays. Work is usually done by 2pm.
While we work to accommodate the skills, ages, and capabilities of every group of volunteers, this is physical work in hot weather! You will need closed sneakers or hiking boots, preferably long pants, water, lunch, and a hat. We will provide all the tools.
If you have any questions, please contact Frank Barton, our Trails Coordinator at [email protected]
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