Cinnamon Bay Campground Chats
Welcome to Cinnamon Bay Campground Chats Seminar Program!
The seminars take place at Cinnamon Bay Beach & Campground located off Northshore Road and are free and open to all. Explore and learn about nature, history and culture in Virgin Islands National Park!

Sea Turtle Talk
Monday (5:30PM to 6:30PM) in the Cinnamon Raintree Cafe
Learn about turtles and marine life with VINP Sea Turtle Monitoring and Protection Program Managers, Adren Anderson & Willow Melamet.

Traditional Music & Crafts
Tuesday (5:30PM to 6:30PM) in the Cinnamon Raintree Cafe
Learn about traditional music and crafts with one of St. John’s cultural ambassadors, Delroy “Ital” Anthony.

Night Sky Program
Wednesday (8:15PM to 9:15PM) on Cinnamon Bay Beach
Explore the dark skies and bright stars through a telescope with NPS Ranger Mark Whitefoot.

Coral Reef Protection
Thursday (5:30PM to 6:30PM) in the Cinnamon Raintree Cafe
Learn about the wonder of the coral reef ecosystem in the park and current threats from local coral reef experts.

Archaeology: Exploring The Past
Friday (5:30PM to 6:30PM) in the Cinnamon Raintree Cafe
Learn about the important archaeological discoveries made right here at Cinnamon Bay from the VINP Archaeology team.